API Reference

In this section, implemented classes are explained and their methods are described. In addition, the utils functions implemented in this package are described. For these classes and functions, the necessary and optional parameters are documented here.

The package consists of two subpackages with different purposes. The models folder contains different architectures of neural networks implemented in PyTorch, including different neural networks classes for predicting regression tasks or time series forecasting. It also includes a wrapper to build ensembles of models, where the outputs of multiple models are averaged.

The second subpackage contains utils functions. There are functions for data creation and formatting, but also for evaluating and investigating your trained model, including an analysis of the hidden-layer correlation, input/output sensitivity and visualization.


Implemented models for regression tasks are:

If you have only a small number of training data or need explainability of the model, have a look at:

There are multiple neural networks (and their according cells) implemented for time series forecasting:

The Ensemble is applicable for all the above models and a lot more:


The utils subpackage contains functions to generate and prepare data for training:

The following utils are interesting for evaluating and investigating your neural network or visualize forecasts with or without uncertainty: