Fuzzy Neural Network



Different membership functions are defined, which can be used in membership_block.

Prosper_nn provides implementations for specialized time series forecasting neural networks and related utility functions.

Copyright (C) 2022 Nico Beck, Julia Schemm, Henning Frechen, Jacob Fidorra,

Denni Schmidt, Sai Kiran Srivatsav Gollapalli

This file is part of Propser_nn.

Propser_nn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.membership_functions.GaussianMembership(sigma: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: Module

Gaussian member function

  • fixed mean at 0

  • deviation of the curve as learnable parameter sigma


sigma_initializer (torch.nn.Initializer)

forward(inputs: Tensor) Tensor[source]

inputs (torch.Tensor) – input vector of size (batchsize, 1)

Return type:


class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.membership_functions.GaussianMembershipFct(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Function

Gaussian autograd function.
  • Fixed mean

  • Variable sigma parameter

Class inherits from torch.autograd.Function. It has to reimplement the static methods forward and backward. See https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/examples_autograd/two_layer_net_custom_function.html for more information and examples.

static backward(ctx: Any, grad_outputs: Tensor) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

backward pass of the gaussian function

  • ctx (torch.Tensor) – context vector with saved variables of the forward pass

  • grad_outputs (torch.Tensor) – Loss vector passed backward from previous layer


(grad_input, grad_sigma) – gradients w.r.t. inputs and w.r.t. sigma

Return type:

Tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor)

static forward(ctx: Any, inputs: Tensor, sigma: Tensor) Tensor[source]

forward activation of the gaussian function

  • ctx (torch.Tensor) – context vector to save variables for the backward pass

  • inputs (torch.Tensor) – input vector of shape (batchsize, 1)

  • sigma (torch.Tensor (torch.nn.Parameter)) – learnable deviation parameter sigma


output – output of the gaussian activation function

Return type:


class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.membership_functions.NormlogMembership(negative: bool = False, slope_initializer: Callable | None = None)[source]

Bases: Module

Norm logistic function * fixed around zero * slope of the curve as trainable parameter slope

  • negative (bool) – negates the slope of the function to be able to reuse the layer for falling values

  • slope_initializer (torch.nn.Initializer)

forward(inputs: Tensor) Tensor[source]

inputs (torch.Tensor) – input vector of size (batchsize, 1)

Return type:


class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.membership_functions.NormlogMembershipFct(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Function

Normlog autograd function.
  • Fixed middle point at zero

  • Variable slope parameter

Class inherits from torch.autograd.Function. It has to reimplement the static methods forward and backward. See https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/examples_autograd/two_layer_net_custom_function.html for more information and examples.

static backward(ctx: Any, grad_outputs: Tensor) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

backward pass of the normlog function

  • ctx (torch.Tensor) – context vector with saved variables of the forward pass

  • grad_outputs (torch.Tensor) – Loss vector passed backward from previous layer


(grad_input, grad_sigma, None) – gradients w.r.t. inputs and w.r.t. sigma

Return type:

Tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, None)

static forward(ctx: Any, inputs: Tensor, slope: Tensor, negative: bool) Tensor[source]

forward activation of the normlog function

  • ctx (torch.Tensor) – context vector to save variables for the backward pass

  • inputs (torch.Tensor) – input vector of shape (batchsize, 1)

  • slope (torch.Tensor (torch.nn.Parameter)) – learnable slope parameter slope

  • negative (bool) – determines if slope is negative or positive


  • output (torch.Tensor) – output of the gaussian activation function

  • slope parameter is restricted to the interval [0, inf] for negative=False

  • and [-inf, 0] for negative=True

The membership_block class uses the functions defined in membership_functions and applies them to a single input.

class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.membership_block.MembershipBlock(membership_fcts: dict, block_name: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Module

Block of a given set of membership functions Input/Output = 1 / number of membership functions

  • membership_fcts (Dict[str : torch.nn.Module]) – set of membership functions

  • block_name (str) – name of the block

forward(inputs: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Forward pass of the block. Giving the same input to all membership functions.


inputs (torch.Tensor) – input vector of size (batchsize, 1)


output – stacked outputs of all membership functions. Shape (batchsize, len(membership_fcts))

Return type:


The final member_layer results by setting a membership_block for each input of the layer.

class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.fuzzification.Fuzzification(n_features_input: int, membership_fcts: dict, input_names: dict | None = None)[source]

Bases: Module

Dynamically creates a layer of parallel MembershipBlocks. The number of blocks is determined by n_features_input, because it creates a MembershipBlock for each input.

  • n_features_input (int) – Number of inputs.

  • membership_fcts (Dict[str : torch.nn.Module]) – Set of member functions. Each MembershipBlock will contain these functions.

  • input_names (List[str]) – Blocks will be named after this list for better debugging.

forward(inputs: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Forward pass through all MemberBlocks. :param inputs: input vector of shape (batchsize, number inputs) :type inputs: torch.Tensor


output – Tensor of stacked block outputs. Shape (batchsize, n_features_input, n_membership_fcts)

Return type:



    batchsize = 20
    n_features_inputs = 11

    inputs = torch.randn(batchsize, n_features_input)

membership_fcts = {
    "decrease": NormlogMembership(negative=True),
    "constant": GaussianMembership(),
    "increase": NormlogMembership(),

    fuzzification = Fuzzification(
    n_features_input=n_features_input, membership_fcts=membership_fcts

    output = fuzzification(inputs)

Fuzzy Inference


The FuzzyInference gets the output of the Fuzzification. It is a Dense Layer that has a predefined weights matrix rule_matrix. Use the RuleManager to create the rule matrix and classification matrix.

Prosper_nn provides implementations for specialized time series forecasting neural networks and related utility functions.

Copyright (C) 2022 Nico Beck, Julia Schemm, Henning Frechen, Jacob Fidorra,

Denni Schmidt, Sai Kiran Srivatsav Gollapalli

This file is part of Propser_nn.

Propser_nn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.fuzzy_inference.FuzzyInference(n_features_input: int, n_membership_fcts: int, n_rules: int, n_output_classes: int, rule_matrix: Any | None = None, learn_conditions: bool = False, prune_weights: bool = False, softmax: Module = LogSoftmax(dim=1), classification_matrix: Any | None = None, learn_consequences: bool = True)[source]

Bases: Module

The module performs the fuzzy inference step of a Fuzzy Neural Network. First, the conditions are modeled in a dense layer with rule constraints. Weights defined in the rule_matrix are initialized with magnitude 1. Second, a dense Layer with rule consequences is defined. Only weights defined in the classification_matrix are allowed to change, starting with magnitude 1. The weights are constrained to always be positive and sum up to 1 in the second dimension. That means that the weights connected to the same output node sum up to 1. Hence, the weights can be interpreted as the belief in this rule to lead to a certain output.

A 1D convolutional layer is used as a 2D dense layer to handle the multi-dimensionality of the previous layers. This allows an easier assignment of rules to the edge weights.

  • n_features_input (int) – Number of inputs before the Fuzzification layer.

  • n_membership_fcts (int) – Number of membership functions for each input.

  • n_rules (int) – Number of rules.

  • n_output_classes (int) – Number of output classes.

  • rule_matrix (np.Array) – Mask matrix determining how the weights are initialized. rule_matrix has to be of shape (n_rules, in_features, num_member_functions) If learn_conditions=True this matrix determines which weights are trained

  • learn_conditions (bool) – Determines if the weights are allowed to be trained or should stay as initialized

  • prune_weights (bool) – Determines if the weights are pruned to only allow the weights where rule_matrix == 1 are allowed to be trained.

  • softmax (torch.nn.Module) – softmax function that is used. Default: LogSoftmax (better performance with NLLLoss and Cross-Entropy Loss than Softmax)

  • classification_matrix (np.Array) – Mask matrix determining how the weights are initialized. This models the consequences. classification_matrix has to be of shape (n_input_features, n_output_features)

  • learn_consequences (bool) – Determines if the weights are allowed to be trained or should stay as initialized

clamp_and_normalize_consequences(grad_input, x) None[source]
clamp_and_normalize_consequences_backward(grad_input, x, v) None[source]
forward(inputs: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Forward pass of the FuzzyInference. First, a log transformation to the input is applied and followed by a Conv1D Layer. The result is flattened and an exp function is applied. Afterwards, the input is passed through a dense layer that models the consequences and finally a Softmax function is used in the end.


inputs (torch.Tensor) – input vector. Shape = (batchsize, n_features_input, n_membership_fcts)


output – Interpretable prediction in classes. Shape = (batchsize, n_rules)

Return type:




batchsize = 20
    n_features_input = 11
n_output_classes = 3
n_rules = 4
n_membership_fcts = 3

    inputs = torch.randn(batchsize, n_features_input, n_membership_fcts)

    dummy_rule_matrix = np.ones(n_features_output, n_features_input, n_members)
dummy_classification_matrix = np.ones(n_features_input, n_features_output)

fuzzy_inference = FuzzyInference(

    output = fuzzy_inference(inputs)



The Defuzzification turns the interpretable class prediction into a numerical prediction.

class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.defuzzification.Defuzzification(n_output_classes: int, n_features_output: int = 1)[source]

Bases: Module

Defuzzification step in a Fuzzy Neural Network. It translates back the interpretable prediction into a numerical prediction. This is done by a affine transformation (torch.nn.Linear layer).

  • n_output_classes (int) – The number of output classes in the previous FuzzyInference step.

  • n_features_output (int) – Number of target features. Default: 1

forward(x_interp: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Apply a Linear layer.


x_interp (torch.Tensor) – input vector of size (batchsize, n_output_classes)


output – Output after defuzzification as the numerical prediction. Shape (batchsize, n_features_output)

Return type:



n_output_classes = 3
batchsize = 20

inputs = torch.randn(batchsize, n_output_classes)

defuzzification = Defuzzification(n_output_classes)

output = defuzzification(input)

Fuzzy Recurrent Neural Networks


The Fuzzy Recurrent Neural Network (FRNN) uses a special RNN infront of a Fuzzy Neural Net. The RNN is used to calculate the inputs’ change over time. The RNN is pruned to not mix different inputs. The FNN analyses the inputs’ changes afterwards. The fuzzification, fuzzy inference and defuzzification layers are used to build a FRNN Neural Network.

class prosper_nn.models.fuzzy.frnn.FRNN(n_features_input: int, n_output_classes: int, n_rules: int, n_membership_fcts: int, membership_fcts: dict, rule_matrix: array, classification_matrix: Any | None = None, n_layers: int = 1, batch_first: bool = True, learn_conditions: bool = False, pruning: bool = True)[source]

Bases: Module

Fuzzy Recurrent Neural Network for classification. Wraps Fuzzy Layer in RNN.

  • n_features_input (int) – Number of network inputs

  • n_output_classes (int) – Number of network outputs/classes

  • n_rules (int) – Number of rules

  • n_membership_fcts (int) – Number of membership functions

  • membership_fcts (dict) – Dictionary containing the membership functions

  • rule_matrix (np.array) – Array containing the rule weight matrix

  • classification_matrix (np.array = None) – Array containing the matrix stating which rule leads to which class.

  • n_layers (int = 1) – Number of recurrent layers in the RNN part of the network

  • batch_first (bool = True) – Changes RNN to accommodate to a sequence or batch first data structure.

  • learn_conditions (bool = False) – Set fuzzy inference learning mode

  • pruning (bool = True) – Set fuzzy inference pruning mode

forward(inputs: Tensor) None[source]

Network forward pass.


inputs (torch.Tensor) – Input tensor


output – Output tensor

Return type:


init_hidden(batchsize: int, device='cpu') Tensor[source]

This method generates the first hidden_state state of zeros which is used in the forward pass.


batchsize (int) – number of Samples in one batch


hidden_state – newly initialized hidden_state state

Return type:



    batchsize = 30
    sequence_length = 20
    n_features_input = 10
    n_output_classes = 3
    n_rules = 5
    n_membership_fcts = 3

    inputs = torch.randn(batchsize, sequence_length, n_features_input)

    dummy_rule_matrix = np.ones(n_rules, n_features_input, n_membership_fcts)
    dummy_classification_matrix = np.ones(n_rules, n_output_classes)

    membership_fcts = {
    "negative": NormlogMembership(negative=True),
    "constant": GaussianMembership(),
    "positive": NormlogMembership(),

    frnn = FRNN(

    output = frnn(inputs)